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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Three's group thanTwo's Company

Everybody has always preferred or heard  "Two's Company over three's Group" but I can cite an incident from my life where Three's Group was better than Two's company.
I along with my other two classmates used to cheat a lot(at least for one or two semesters of our graduation.). When two people cheat  there are chances that on few questions both have blank sheet (obviously due to unawareness.) , with more people getting involve in this process, the probability of having a question which cannot be answered reduces. But involvement of so many people in cheating company can make situation worse.Obviously you can fall on the eyes of examiner.  So I find three quite reasonable count for cheating.
Although we were not bad in studies ,but cheated for bringing the perfection in our answer sheets if any how we were not able to make it perfect by our own efforts. ;) We even had good reputation in our class and teachers as well so suspicion of ours as a cheater was less. (I guess this might not hold true for me but at least for my other two cheating partners.) But then again we were doing all these adventures in our internal sessional exams not in the main , being on safer side. And 'twas not possible to cheat there as our seats were apart there.(other two used to sit back to back in a row). But in internals I used to move myself a seat behind them by my influence/request/trickery or whatever. I just share a cheating experience. It was our third semester I guess. We had our first sessionals.
So after initial efforts of our own we dedicate the remaining time for sharing (better say cheating) our answers. We not only just peeped into each others answer sheets but used to discuss as well. The limit was when we stated sharing our papers with each others that too when the examiners were passing by.I don't know how my other partners shown enough guts for the same but I guess I had no option but to share our papers as I was not able to listen their fussing voice while discussion, that used to be very slow and cant look properly the small words written on their sheets that too when I had to look for the sheet of the partner sitting two seat away from me. It was a kind of big fun for us as we were fooling examiners blindly with having sheet of two different people with a single student.The examiner even come and signed many other supplementary sheets too in between but wasn't able to see two different sheets with one student. It was funny but we had some small fear so somewhere deep in our mind and that made the process more adventurous actually.  I remember even at the time of sheet collection, I had the supplementary sheet of one of my partners that I had to return her before the examiner reaches to her, it was risky but we had manged it somehow, I guess it was some good trick how we done it but I can't recall it.
Our cheating habit and group changed with time but none was better than this. Even in last year last sessionals I had no cheaters around me as I was giving with two or three people only as I was among those whose attendance was not good enough to give it on normal terms. But then again I had remembered my cheating partners and somehow managed to sms one of them my queries and to my amaze my cheating partner met my expectation and replied very soon. And with this my "cheating
fairy tale" ended on good note by being bit hi-tech with time.
God bless my cheating partners wherever they be!!


  1. One of them is right here :D

    The moment I saw the first picture, the only thought that came to my mind was- this is exactly our situation a few years back!! That was the best 'discussion during exams' experience ever :)

    Now that you don't remember how you managed to hand over Tanu's sheet back to her, I'll remind you. The examiner was standing right next to us and we had no option but to give Tanu's sheet back to her in front of the examiner. I don't remember who the examiner was but I feel we should pray for his well being as well.

    God bless all the examiners who ignored or did not notice our 'discussions' :)

  2. Ha Ha Ha... I cant believe Tanya that we had done it in front of the examiner. :)


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