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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Quarterlife crisis

Mid-Life Crisis. It literally means "middle life paranoia" and describes a period of dramatic self-doubt that is felt by some individuals in the "middle years" or middle age of life, as a result of sensing the passing of their own youth and the imminence of their old age. But these days they are happening at early stage of life , seems like with the fast paced life the crisis too are coming at earlier stage of life resulting into Quarter life crisis.There can be many other incidents in life or family which can trigger the above mentioned state of mind. And one has to undergo this state sooner or later in his or her life.The result may be a desire to make significant changes in core aspects of day-to-day life or situation, such as in career, work-life balance, marriage, romantic relationships.Although it happens in mid age of 35 to 40 but I am feeling it very soon in my life. There are many incidents and crisis pertaining to it.
As we get more stable in life our problems diminishes. Earlier we used to study, prepare for entrance examination,then job ,marriage,raising children and then one come across a situation feeling What next? Some people for the sake of physical worldly pleasure spend most time in changing job,building wealth and property but again even in their life, later the same mandate question arises. Till we see some height we tend to climb but when we reach at some plain stage of life we get paranoid and get confuse which way to go now!!
Uniformity in life, always having same faces,evaporation of interest etc distracts the mind to search for something new. So we do our bit to get anything new in life.
But this mid life/quarter life crisis at least makes a person think deeply about themselves,ask question to their own conciseness and some people even find something new in them.So the dilemma of either exploring ourselves or search for something new in life is kind of crisis in itself.
The problem will be faced by everyone, more or less in the same way. Take a fresh thinking in your life, maybe go find a new personality in you, maybe you should identify yourself. Crimping of new thoughts adds some life to this process.Paranoia finally do teach us something. As it relates to life all the knowledge we learn comes not only by our academic lives, but even our experience constantly teaches us many things. Many circumstances of life leaves many question to us. And we should check what already we learned from them? Ask yourself this question?
Having experienced it, they'll smile reading this. And who have not reached this stage yet, the dialogue will be meaningless. Those who relate this paranoia with me, they will re-read it..

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