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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Alone at Powai Lake

Standing alone at the promenade of Powai lake,
There are variety of glances that I can take.

At one corner couples are busy in kissing,
And at other, some bullshits are pissing.
And amidst them , I don't know what,
But  something is there, that I am missing.

Is it any company,
or the sense of micturation?
So that like them I can kiss
And piss..

Certainly not, because I know,
Am a loner,but for that matter, not sad..
And can't piss around,
As doing 'IT' publicly, I consider bad..

It is all those unfulfilled dreams
that I had thought once..
Things remained unaccomplished,
And no luck for any kind of bunce.

As I am introspecting my life,
And will surely feel low in some time..
A beggar cum saint kind of person,
reached to a couple busy in their crime..

Guess the beggar is pleading for some money,
Or might be asking for some food.
Couple neglecting him and his vicious voice,
Just increased their intimacy by getting more glued.

"Dude , it is so rude...
And such a bad attitude!!

Give the beggar something and let him go
For some time it will disturb your intimacy although.. "

As I am wishing this for them,
beggar just took a turn with a sad face
And now he is approaching me,
I can see while tying my shoe lace.

As he come near to me
I am getting ready with some money..
But he's asking for something to eat.
I run to get him his food and my own "neat"

The beggar look happy and satisfied
With my thing I am enjoying too..
Feeling happy after helping the old man
Although I am alone , its true!!


  1. Now you are speaking your own language, Sunil. This is what I wanted to "really" see from your posts here.... :) :)

    "Ab Delhi door nahi hain" :) :) :)

  2. It's good to see that you are putting forth your thoughts so poetically. Well done!!


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