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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why Biasing?? (Journey Part -1)

On my recent journey to my home I met variety of people ranging from very inspiring and influential  to humorous one. I really enjoyed my journey this time. I will write about many of them but here I am going to discuss one of my observed view point.

I was sitting against one of the Banker (around 40) who was soon going to leave for London and for the same came to Mumbai for training purpose. He was quite learned and experienced man. I just heard one of his conversation to his daughter and son on phone (although a bad habit)  which made me write this blog because although he talked both of them on same topic but tone and language differed a lot.

It was morning time around 9 A.M. He called to his home and asked her wife to made him talk to his daughter. The conversation goes like… Hello beta.. how are you… Still sleeping… studied till night na.. never mind , sleep well and and take full rest after studying hard.Ok beta study well, your exams are near by and take care good care of mom.  Where is your brother he enquired.He asked her to pass the phone to her brother who again was sleeping as told by her sister who herself was still in sleepy mode. As the phone reaches to the boy’s hand and he said hello papa… That man started shouting on phone..   You unworthy..still sleeping and don't tell me you were studying till late night …. I know how much you study… Its already 10 am .. just wake up from the bed and start studying , your exams are now very close. Now just put the phone off and go to study. This time I want you to score around eighties..

I was stunned to see this dual behaviour. I can write many things on it.. why is it was so? , or on gender biasing or parents changing expectation with their son or daughter , or the boy was really bad in study and daughter was doing well …. whatever the case may be but without knowing real fact i can not comment on it… But one thing I can say for sure.. , although I am not the right person to say this In our current modern time a father is more close and near to her daughter.. anytime!!

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