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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Baharhal - "However"

Few day ago i just asked one of my friend to tell me something to write on...
He behaved junk and given me the word "Baharhal" meaning however who he just heard on a hindi news channel. "Whats this??" I thought , but then taking it as challenge i wrote piece of poetry for the same topic that too both in English and Hindi as well, here it goes...

था  हर  वक़्त ,
हर  समय , तुम्हारा  ख्याल..

ज़िन्दगी  की  दौड़  धुप  ने ,
बदल  दी  सब  की  चाल..

रात  भर  जागने  के  बाद  मिलती ,
सीने  की  जलन  और  आंखें  लाल..

अपने  ही  हाथों  से  बुना  मैंने ,
खुद  को  ही  फ़साने  का  जाल..

खैर  कब  तक  सहें ,
भूल  गया  हूँ  सब  कुछ  "बहरहाल"..

English Translation:

Everytime, every second,
it was you whom i consider..

Everybody has changed,
in the life's own scamper..

And awaking in night given me,
nothing but chest pain and red pincer..

From my own hand i wove,
the trap for myself to capture..

Anyways how long i will bear,
I forgot everything now "However"..


  1. u deserve appreciation for dis..vry nice and touching..but kiske liye..hmmm

  2. Not for anybody special... Just a random thought!!!


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