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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Irony and Fact

Irony is,
Someone judges and find me being judgmental..
Fact is,
It is something,which to human is very fundamental.

Then identified me as cranky, cheap and pervert
which I think, I need to avoid without getting hurt!!

Irony is,
Someone disapproves and criticize my aesthetic sense..
Fact is,
It is conveyed by one, who can't see things without lens 

Then I come to know I am egoistic,stubborn and maniac
Even I was realized by LINDA,the same is listed in my zodiac

Irony is,
Someone say that I don't take or listen things with grace
Fact is,
Said by one who without listening to others talk in own pace 

"There is something missing in me"
Is the only thing that I think about me is true...
And this all non sense saying person
Is none other than the person with loose screw!!

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