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Thursday, June 11, 2015

My first times - Part I

For each and every thing and experiences in life,  there were always first time in your life and today I am going to share some of mine such experiences. Hope many of you can relate with many of them or at-least can remember yours.
Although little bit, but I can precisely remember when I was kid and was being sent to school for the first time which was close to home and so close that the peon of the school use to come to collect all kids from neighborhood to school. I don't know why but that peon always seems to be a giant devil and as soon as I used to see him coming I always felt that he is going to take me away forever, never to bring back. Amidst the road in front of everybody I use to cry and cry a much so that my parents use to say 'OK leave the school for the day'. I used to be happy again. This way I had wasted almost first 3 months of my school and finally my dad regularly started taking me to school everyday and I somehow got fit into it.
My first time of public piss in school was another amazing story. Though I was very conscious of these thing but that day somehow I couldn't control myself and pissed in my pants and then lady peon came and hold me in the air and sent directly outside the school premise to a ground where all such cases were made to sit in sunlight so that their clothes get dry and so was I was made to sit like a cock as a punishment of the same. Some even used to say that in that particular position dresses get dried sooner.
Further as I grew and got some senses, we have got some kind of brouhaha about talking to girls meeting to them or infact even looking at them. It was as if they were aliens and in turn they use to do the same with boys. But on one occasion in an event I was chosen to dance with a girl with all those ball dance like steps. They chose me particularly because I was good in studies and probably flexible at that time being good in outdoor games as well. Rehearsals started for the occasion and god knows how nervous I was. My hands and legs were shivering, as the girl came close to me I started perspiring and as soon as we hold each other's hand on teacher's instruction, an electric shock ran across my body and finally she put her hand across my waist I started perspiring which was unstoppable even when it was winter. Worst was when teacher asked me to put my hand around her waist and it was a disaster afterwards. There was a palpitation in my stomach and then in my whole body. I just said sorry and ran away from that place, never ever to dance again in my whole life in any event or function and that's the reason I am still a poor dancer.

And then there were the first times that you never want to remember as they were not because of your innocence but because of your losing innocence and breaking trust of your parents and people who believe in you. I got caught stealing toffees from a shop, got caught of cheating in exams, slapped by teachers and principals. I don't know why I did all that. I always had enough money in my pockets to buy toffees and above all not fond of them even. Was good in studies as well but cheated and let other cheat. I guess that use to give me a thrill of different form, for being the first time I get a new sense of some achievements even after knowing that they were wrong.

In next part I will share some more interesting first timers of mine.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

आज मैंने रोटी बनाई

आज मैंने रोटी बनाई,
नरम नरम..
गरम गरम..
गोल गोल..
इजी टू रोल!!

काश मैं तुमको दिखा पाता,
संग तुम्हारे प्यार से खाता..
तुम्हारे फेवरिट सब्जी के साथ,
लिए हाथों में तुम्हारा हाँथ..
यूँ काट जाती सारी रात,
मरी रोटी की करते हुए बात..

तुम्हारी रोटियों से करता मैं कम्पेयर,
यूँ करते एक दूसरे का फीडबैक शेयर..
की कभी तुम चिढ़ती, कभी मैं गुस्साता,
पर अंततः खाना तुम्हारे साथ ही खाता..

पर अब कहाँ तुम आओगी,
मेरी रोटी कैसे खा पाओगी..
और कभी कभार ही सही पर,
मेरी रोटी ना खा पाने पर पछताओगी..

और मैं तुम्हे बताता रहूँगा,
हरदम जताता रहूँगा..
देखो किस सिचुएशन में लाइफ ले आई,
आज मैंने रोटी बनाई !!
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