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Monday, July 4, 2011

Benefits of Kitty Party to men.

Its an odd topic from a man's perspective and atleast for a bachelor and person like me. Still I have many things in my mind to write upon it. The point came to my mind as soon as one of my Project Manager was complaining about his wife's habit of having Kitty Party every now and then. Then there came a diplomat boy (me only) who seeking his frustration made him count points of benefits of Kitty Party to a man.
My experience of giving so much gyan on it:
I remember the usual sort of kitty party(cant be called as true kitty party, gathering instead ) that my mummy used to have with the aunties in my neighbourhood. Since all men used to be on their job during daytime , these ladies had made a point to have gathering everyday at somebody's place in a periodic manner. I used to wait for my mummy's turn. Why?
Well she used to prepare a lot of stuff for the party. And along with them I too used to get my share of eatable and all the time whenever my mummy was busy with the party I was free to do any thing at home, let it be watch TV(even on exam times), talk to some friend for long time aur listen songs etc.
Then when my papa used to come back from office he used to enjoy with whatever the leftover item was there to eat.. along with the normal meal. So it served as a kind of starter for him. Also if there was party at my home when my father was in then he also used to take advantage of that time and take out much time to visit his friend's home or talk long on phone with him which normally happen with much interruptions of my mom. So I have a decent experience of Kitty Party benefits to a man.
My points to manager:
1. Have patience and enjoy the Kitty Party eatables.
2. Take the Kitty Party as your leisure time and utilize it ;)
3. You are away from any kind of wife's shouting and atyachaar till she is in party.
4. You can watch whatever on TV for that time without any argue with wife.
So all men reading this , please take a note of it!!


  1. So, the message is ...if you can beat them, join them and get best of both worlds... :) :D :D

    Nice hair stroke... :) Good one !!


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